tom mabelson

Tom has over 10 years of experience providing transport planning, design and assessment to support projects through the planning process.  He provides due diligence and site acquisition support; leads the preparation of transport related planning application material; and provides post application support including negotiating planning consents and discharging planning conditions/obligations.

Tom enjoys providing transport planning advice to unlock the potential of challenging sites.  He has significant experience working on complex schemes and high-density development in London.  Schemes include One Blackfriars, 22 Bishopsgate, 1 Undershaft, Bankside Yards and Stephenson Street.


Tom works with project teams to provide cost-effective and efficient access, parking, servicing and street design solutions.  He leads discussions with key stakeholders with a focus on smoothly and efficiently securing planning consent. 

Tom is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation and a Member of the Transport Planning Society.

In his spare time Tom enjoys cycling and running and is currently training for a marathon.


Tel. 07785 993 179